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Appendix C


This is a list of public Acts (as at 1 February 1996) which appear to raise issues concerning New Zealand’s international rights and obligations. Many of these statutes give effect to treaty provisions or empower the government to give effect to them. The list does not include the many regulations which have the same effect.[1] Statutes to which the text of a treaty or convention is attached appear in bold type.

Abolition of the Death Penalty Act 1989

Accident Rehabilitation and Compensation Insurance

Act 1992

Acts Interpretation Act 1924

Admiralty Act 1973

Adoption Act 1955

Agriculture (Emergency Powers) Act 1934

Air Facilitation Act 1993

Air Facilitation (Domestic Passengers and Cargo)

Act 1994

Airport Authorities Act 1966

Animal Remedies Act 1967

Animals Act 1967

Antarctic Marine Living Resources Act 1981

Antarctica Act 1960

Antarctica (Environmental Protection) Act 1994

Antiquities Act 1975

Arbitration Act 1908

Arbitration (Foreign Agreements and Awards)

Act 1982

Arbitration (International Investment Disputes)

Act 1979

Arbitration Clauses (Protocol) and Arbitration (Foreign Awards) Act 1933

Armed Forces Discipline

Act 1971

Atomic Energy Act 1945

Aviation Crimes Act 1972

Bills of Exchange Act 1908

Biosecurity Act 1993

Births, Deaths, and Marriages Registration Act 1995

Boilers, Lifts, and Cranes

Act 1950

Broadcasting Act 1989

Carriage by Air Act 1967

Cheques Act 1960

Child Support Act 1991

Children, Young Persons, and Their Families Act 1989

Christmas Island—see Finance Act (No 2) 1981 No 110 s 2

Citizenship Act 1977

Citizenship (Western Samoa) Act 1982

Civil Aviation Act 1990

Commerce Act 1986

Commodity Levies Act 1990

Commonwealth Countries

Act 1977

Conservation Act 1987

Construction Act 1959

Consular Privileges and Immunities Act 1971

Continental Shelf Act 1964

Cook Islands Act 1915

Cook Islands Constitution

Act 1964

Copyright Act 1994

Crimes Act 1961

Crimes (Internationally Protected Persons and Hostages) Act 1980

Crimes of Torture Act 1989

Criminal Justice Act 1985

Crown Proceedings Act 1950

Crown Research Institutes

Act 1992

Customs Act 1966

Customs Law Act 1908

Dangerous Goods Act 1974

Defence Act 1990

Designs Act 1953

Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities Act 1968

Disabled Persons Community Welfare Act 1975

Disabled Persons Employment Promotion Act 1960

Domicile Act 1976

Domestic Violence Act 1995

Driftnet Prohibition Act 1991

Dumping and Countervailing Duties Act 1991

Education Act 1964

Education Act 1989

Employment Contracts

Act 1991

Enemy Property Act 1951

Environment Act 1986

Equal Pay Act 1972

Evidence Act 1908

Extradition Act 1965

Fair Trading Act 1986

Family Proceedings Act 1980

Films, Videos, and Publications Classification Act 1993

Finance Act 1950 s 41 (duration of state of war)

Financial Reporting Act 1993

Fisheries Act 1983

Flags, Emblems, and Names Protection Act 1981

Food Act 1981

Foreign Affairs Act 1988

Fugitive Offenders Act

1881 (UK)

Geneva Conventions Act 1958

Geographical Indications

Act 1994

Goods and Services Tax

Act 1985

Government Service Equal Pay Act 1960

Guardianship Act 1968

Harbours Act 1950

Health Act 1956

Health and Disability Commissioner Act 1994

Health Benefits (Reciprocity with Australia) Act 1986

Health Benefits (Reciprocity with the United Kingdom) Act 1982

Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992

Historic Places Act 1993

Holidays Act 1981

Human Rights Act 1993

Immigration Act 1987

Imprisonment For Debt Limitation Act 1908

Income Tax Act 1994

Industry Training Act 1992

International Air Services Licensing Act 1947

International Energy Agreement Act 1976

International Finance Agreements Act 1961

International War Crimes Tribunals Act 1995

Judicature Act 1908

Kermadec Islands Act 1887

Law Practitioners Act 1982

Layout Designs Act 1994

Legal Services Act 1991

Machinery Act 1950

Maori Affairs Act 1953

Maori Fisheries Act 1989

Maori Language Act 1987

Marine Insurance Act 1908

Marine Mammals Protection Act 1978

Marine Pollution Act 1974

Maritime Transport Act 1994

Marketing Act 1936

Marriage Act 1955

Measurement Standards

Act 1992

Meat Act 1981

Meat Export Control Act 1921–1922

Medical Practitioners Act 1995

Medicines Act 1981

Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 1992

Meteorological Services

Act 1990

Minimum Wage Act 1983

Misuse of Drugs Act 1975

Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act 1992

Nauru Island—Finance

Act 1977

New Zealand Bill of Rights

Act 1990

New Zealand Boundaries

Act 1863

New Zealand Nuclear Free Zone, Disarmament, and Arms Control Act 1987

Niue Act 1966

Niue Constitution Act 1974

Official Information Act 1982

Ombudsmen Act 1975

Ozone Layer Protection

Act 1990

Pacific Islands Polynesian Education Foundation

Act 1972

Parental Leave and Employment Protection

Act 1987

Passports Act 1992

Patents Act 1953

Penal Institutions Act 1953

Pesticides Act 1979

Petroleum Demand Restraint Act 1981

Plant Variety Rights Act 1987

Political Disabilities Removal Act 1960

Postal Services Act 1987

Privacy Act 1993

Protection of Personal and Property Rights Act 1988

Public Finance Act 1989

Radiation Protection Act 1965


Act 1989

Reciprocal Enforcement of Judgments Act 1934

Resource Management

Act 1991

Sale of Goods (United Nations Convention) Act 1994

Sale of Liquor Act 1989

Serious Fraud Office Act 1990

Ship Registration Act 1992

Shipping Act 1987

Smoke-free Environments

Act 1990

Social Security Act 1964

Social Welfare (Transitional Provisions) Act 1990

Standards Act 1988

State-Owned Enterprises

Act 1986

Status of Children Act 1969

Submarine Cables and Pipelines Protection Act 1966

Takeovers Act 1993

Tariff Act 1988

Tax Administration Act 1994

Telecommunications Act 1987

Temporary Safeguard Authorities Act 1987

Territorial Sea and Exclusive Economic Zone Act 1977

Time Act 1974

Tokelau Act 1948

Tokelau (Territorial Sea and Exclusive Economic Zone)

Act 1977

Toxic Substances Act 1979

Trade in Endangered Species Act 1989

Trade Marks Act 1953

Trade Unions Act 1908

Transport Act 1962

Transport Accident Investigation Commission

Act 1990

Transport (Vehicle and Driver Registration and Licensing) Act 1986

Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975

Treaty of Waitangi (Fisheries Claims) Settlement Act 1992

Treaty of Waitangi (State Enterprises) Act 1988

United Nations Act 1946

United Nations (Police)

Act 1964

Veterinarians Act 1994

Visiting Forces Act 1939

Vocational Training Act 1982

Wages Protection Act 1983

Waikato Raupatu Claims Settlement Act 1995

War Graves 1977 No 75 s 4(1)

Weights and Measures Act 1987

Western Samoa Act 1961

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