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Law Reform Commission of British Columbia, Statutory Succession Rights (1982) Working Paper No 35

Law Reform Commission of British Columbia, Statutory Succession Rights (1986) Report No 70

Ministerial Committee on Assisted Human Reproduction – Navigating Our Future (Department of Justice, Tribunals Division, Wellington, 1994)

Scottish Law Commission, Report on Succession (1990) Report No 124

Department of Justice, Report of the Working Group on Matrimonial Property and Family Protection (1988, Department of Justice, Wellington)

Queensland Law Reform Commission, Report of the Law Reform Commission on the Law Relating to Succession (1978) Report 22


Adams and others (eds), Butterworths Family Law in New Zealand (6th ed, Butterworths, Wellington, 1993); (7th ed, Butterworths, Wellington, 1995)

Atherton and Vines, Australian Succession Law: Families, Property and Death (Butterworths, Sydney, 1996)

Auckland Lesbian and Gay Lawyers Group Inc, Outlaw: A Legal Guide for Lesbians and Gay Men in New Zealand (AGLG, Auckland, 1994)

Austin and others, Trapski’s Family Law

vol 5 (Brooker’s, Wellington, 1995)

Austin, Children: Stories the Law Tells (Victoria University Press, Wellington, 1994)

Bromley and Lowe, Bromley’s Family Law (7th ed, Butterworths, London, 1987)

Certoma, The Law of Succession in New South Wales (2nd ed, Law Book Co, Sydney, 1992)

Davies, Family Law in Canada (4th ed, Carswell, Toronto, 1984)

Finch and Masson, Negotiating Family Responsibilities (Tavistock/Routledge, London, 1993)

Fowler and others, Trapski’s Family Law

vol 2 (1992, Brooker’s, Wellington)

Freeman (ed), State, Law, and the Family (Tavistock, London, 1984)

Gittins, The Family in Question (2nd ed, MacMillan, London, 1991)

Hardingham and others, Wills and Intestacy in Australia and New Zealand (2nd ed, Law Book Co, Sydney, 1989)

Henaghan and Atkin, Family Law Policy in New Zealand (Oxford University Press, Auckland, 1992)

Hovius and Youdan, The Law of Family Property (Carswell, Toronto, 1991)

Langbein and Waggoner (eds), Selected Statutes on Trusts and Estates (Foundation Press, New York, 1995)

Ludbrook and others (eds), Ludbrook’s Family Law Service (Brookers, Wellington, 1986)

Maxton (ed), Nevill’s Law of Trusts, Wills and Administration (8th ed, Butterworths, Wellington, 1985)

Metge, New Growth from Old: The Whänau in the Modern World (Victoria University Press, Wellington, 1995)

Patterson, Family Protection and Testamentary Promises in New Zealand (Butterworths, Wellington, 1985); (2nd ed, Butterworths, Wellington, 1994)


Atkin, “Family Property Law Reform” (1995) 25 VUWLR 77

Cretney, “Succession – Discretion or Whim, Freedom of Choice or Caprice?” (1986) 6 OJLS 299

Djalleta, “A Twinkle in a Descendant’s Eye: Proposed Amendments to the Uniform Probate Code in Light of New Reproductive Technology” (1994) 67 Temple LR 335

Estin, “Love and Obligation: Family Law and the Romance of Economics” (1995) 36 William and Mary LR 989

Freeman, “Whither Children: Protection, Participation, Autonomy?” (1994) 22 Manitoba LJ 307

Glendon, “The New Family and The New Property” (1979) 53 Tulane LR 697

Glendon, “Fixed Rules and Discretion in Contemporary Family Law and Succession Law” (1986) 60 Tulane LR 1165

Hardie Boys, “Judicial Attitudes to Family Property” (1994) 24 VUWLR 235

Hendra, “Stepfamilies: an Invisible Populace” (1993) 1 BFLJ 3

Hendra, “Stepfamilies: a Fresh Approach” (1993) 1 BFLJ 26

Langbein, “The Twentieth-Century Revolution in Family Wealth Transmission” (1988) 86 Mich LR 722

McMorland, “Succession” [1989] NZ Rec LR 72; [1989] NZ Rec LR 265; [1990] NZ Rec LR 238; [1991] NZ Rec LR 178; [1993] NZ Rec LR 196; [1995] NZLR 156

Meston, “Succession – Rights or Discretion?” (1989) 32 Jur Rev 1

Morton, “The Theory of Inheritance” (1894–1895) 7 Harv LR 161

Nussbaum, “Liberty of Testation” (1937) 23 ABA J 183

O’Donnell, “Protection of Family Life and the ECHR” (1995) 17 J Social Welfare and Fam L 261

Rein, “Relatives by Blood, Adoption and Association: Who Should Get What and Why?” (1984) 37 Vanderbilt Law Review 711

Smith, “Succession Problems Arising from Artificial Insemination, Surrogate Motherhood and Test Tube Babies: A Proposed Solution” (1989) 40 Juvenile & Family Ct J 15

Soul, “Spanish Succession Law” (1991) 135 SJ 1056

Sutton, “Law Commission Succession Project: Communal Family Property?” (1995) 25 VUWLR 53

Tapp, “Family Law” [1994] NZ Rec LR 140


Cone and Matthews, Testamentary Promises, Family Protection and Other Estate Litigation Matters (NZLS Seminar Paper, April–May 1992)

Eaton, Farm Succession, Viability and Retirement (MAF Policy Technical Paper

93/16, A Report for the Rural Resources Unit, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, November 1993)

Hassall and others (eds), Toward a Child and Family Policy for New Zealand (Office of the Commissioner for Children, Wellington, 1991)

Harrison and Maze, Family Law Agreements (NZLS Seminar Paper, June 1996)

Keating and Little, Retirement and Succession in Farm Families in New Zealand (South Island) (MAF Policy Technical Paper 94/7, Report to MAF Policy, February 1994)

New Zealand Planning Council, For Richer or Poorer (New Zealand Planning Council, Wellington, 1988)

Thorns, “Housing Wealth and Inheritance in New Zealand” in Forrest and Murie, Housing and Wealth – Comparative and International Perspectives (Routledge, London, 1995), 33



Alberta Institute of Law Research and Reform, Matrimonial Property (1974) Working Paper

Alberta Institute of Law Research and Reform, Matrimonial Property (1975) Report

Alberta Institute of Law Research and Reform, Matrimonial Property: Division of Pension Benefits Upon Marriage Breakdown (1986) Report No 48

Australian Law Reform Commission, Matrimonial Property (1985) Discussion Paper No 22

Australian Law Reform Commission, Matrimonial Property (1987) Report No 39

Australian Law Reform Commission, Equality Before the Law: Justice for Women (1994) Report No 69

Australian Senate Legal and Constitutional Legislation Committee, Second Report on the Family Law Reform Bill 1994 and the Family Law Reform Bill (No 2) 1994 (Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, 1995)

Law Commission (England and Wales), Family Law: Family Property Law (1971) Working Paper No 42

Law Commission (England and Wales), Family Law: Family Property: A New Approach (1973) Report No 52

Law Commission (England and Wales), Second Report on Family Property: Family Provision on Death (1974) Report 61

Law Reform Commission of British Columbia, Property Rights on Marriage Breakdown (1990) Report No 111

Law Reform Commission of Canada, Family Property (1975) Working Paper No 8

Law Reform Commission of Saskatchewan, Division of Matrimonial Property: Problems Within the Present Law (1974) First Mini-working Paper, publication 1

Law Reform Commission of Saskatchewan, Division of Matrimonial Property: Possible Solutions to Problems within the Present Law (1974) Second Mini-working Paper, publication 2

Law Reform Commission of Saskatchewan, Division of Matrimonial Property: Tentative Proposals for Reform of Matrimonial Property Law (1974) Third working Paper, publication 3

Law Reform Commission of Saskatchewan, Proposals for a Saskatchewan Matrimonial Homes Act (1976) Report, publication 10

Manitoba Law Reform Commission, Family Law: Part I: The Support Obligation; Part II: Property Disposition (1976) Reports No 23 and 24

Manitoba Law Reform Commission, An Examination of ‘the Dower Act’ (1984) Report No 60

Manitoba Law Reform Commission, The Married Women’s Property Act (1985) Report No 64

Matrimonial Property – Comparable Sharing: An Explanation of the Matrimonial Property Bill 1975 (1975) AJHR E.6

New Brunswick Justice Department Law Reform Division, Matrimonial Property Reform for New Brunswick (January 1978) Discussion Paper

Ontario Law Reform Commission, Report on Family Law, Part IV: Family Property Law (1974)

Ontario Law Reform Commission, Report on Family Property Law (1993)

Report of the Joint Select Committee on Certain Aspects of the Operation and Interpretation of the Family Law Act (AGPS, Canberra, November 1992)

Report of a Special Committee, Matrimonial Property (Government Printer, Wellington, 1972)

Scottish Law Commission, Matrimonial Property (1981) Consultative Memorandum No 57

Scottish Law Commission, Family Law: Ailment and Family Provision (1981) Report No 67

Scottish Law Commission, Family Law: Matrimonial Property (1984) Report No 86

Scottish Law Commission, Family Law (1992) Report No 135


Fisher, Fisher on Matrimonial Property (2nd ed, Butterworths, Wellington, 1984)

Weitzman, The Divorce Revolution: The Unexpected Consequences for Women and Children in America (Free Press, New York, 1985)


Angelo and Atkin, “The Matrimonial Property Bill 1975 – Some Further Thoughts” [1976] NZLJ 424

Angelo and Atkin, “A Conceptual and Structural Overview of the Matrimonial Property Act 1976” (1977) 7 NZULR 237

Armstrong, “The Impact of Matrimonial Law on the Administration of Deceased Estates” (1969) 2 Otago LR 120

Asher, “How Unequal can Equal be? Reform of the Matrimonial Property Act 1976, 10 Years On” (1987) 1 FLB 151

Atkin, “The Survival of Fault in Contemporary Family Law in New Zealand” (1979) 10 VUWLR 93

Atkin, “Spousal Maintenance: A New Philosophy” (1980) 9 NZULR 336

Atkin, “Matrimonial Property: Time to Take Stock” [1985] NZLJ 25

Atkin, “More Law Reform: The Report of the Working Group on Matrimonial Property and Family Protection October 1988” (1988) 2 FLB 18

Averill, “An Eclectic History and Analysis of the 1990 Uniform Probate Code” (1992) 55 Albany LR 891

Baker, “Contracting for Security: Paying Married Women What They’ve Earned” (1988) 55 Uni Chicago LR 1193

Bala, “Recognising Spousal Contributions to the Acquisition of Degrees, Licences and Career Assets – Towards Compensatory Support” (1989) 8 Can J Fam L 23

Bartke, “Community Property Law Reform in the United States and in Canada – A Comparison and Critique” (1976) 50 Tulane LR 213

Bartke, “Marital Property Law Reform: Canadian Style” (1977) 25 American Journal of Comparative Law 16

Bartke, “Ontario Bill 6, or How Not to Reform Marital Property Rights” (1977) 9 Ottawa LR 321

Bates, “Reforming Australian Matrimonial Property Law” (1988) 17 Anglo-American LR 46

Baxter, “Family Law Reform in Ontario” (1975) 25 University Toronto LJ 236

Baxter, “First Report on Family Property: A New Approach” (1974) 37 MLR 1975

Bisson, “The Reform of the Law Regarding Maintenance and Settlement of Property Rights between Spouses in Matrimonial Disputes” [1963] NZLJ 241

Bordow and Harrison, “Outcomes of Matrimonial Property Litigation” (1994) 8 Aust J Fam Law 264

Bradbury, “From Civil Death to Separate Property: Changes in the Legal Rights of Married Women in Nineteenth Century New Zealand” (1995) 29 NZ J of Hist 40

Brinig, “The Law and Economics of No-Fault Divorce – A Review of No-Fault Divorce: What Went Wrong?” (1993) 26 FLQ 453

Caldwell, “Judicial Discretion and Maintenance” [1987] NZLJ 148

Campbell, “The Matrimonial Fortress” [1957] 32 NZLJ 344

Charlesworth, “Domestic Contributions to Matrimonial Property” (1989) 3 Aust J Fam L 147

Corbin, “Ontario ‘Modernizes’ its Succession Law Reform Act” (1995) 14 E & TJ 205

Cossman, “A Matter of Difference: Domestic Contracts and Gender Equality” (1990) 28 Osgoode Hall LJ 303

Deech, “The Principles of Maintenance” (1977) 7 Fam L 229

Deech, “Financial Relief: The Retreat from Precedent and Principle” (1982) 98

LQR 621

Diduck and Orton, “Equality and Support for Spouses” (1994) 57 MLR 681

Dodds, “The Impact of the Roman Law of Succession and Marriage on Women’s Property and Independence” (1992) 18 Melbourne University LR 899

Duclos, “Breaking the Dependency Cycle: The Family Law Act Reconsidered” (1987) 45 University Toronto LJ 1

Eberts, “A Synopsis of Proposals for Family Property Reform” (1974) 1 Estates and Trusts Quarterly 298

Eekelaar, “Equality and the Purpose of Maintenance” (1988) 15 JLS 188

Ennor, “The Matrimonial Property Act 1963 – A New Deal?” [1972] NZLJ 500

Ennor, “The ‘Reasonable’ Approach to Matrimonial Property Division” [1974] 9 Recent Law 75 (Part 1); [1974] 9 Recent Law 111 (Part 2)

Erlanger and May, “The Surviving Spouse’s Right to Quasi-Community Property: A Proposal Based on the Uniform Probate Code” (1994) 30 Idaho LR 671

Fineman, “Societal Factors Affecting the Creation of Legal Rules for the Distribution of Property on Divorce” (1989) 23 FLQ 279

Fisher, “The Matrimonial Property Bill – Misguided Chivalry?” [1976] NZLJ 253

Fisher and Curnutte, “Reforming the Law of Intestate Succession and Intestate Shares” (1990) 93 West Virginia LR 61

Fratcher, “Towards Uniform Succession Legislation” (1966) 41 NYULR 1037

Glover, “Professional Education as Matrimonial Property” [1983] NZLJ 180 (Part 1); [1984] NZLJ 157 (Part 2)

Goodman, “A Critique of Family Property Reform” (1974) 1 Estates and Trusts Quarterly 315

Goodman, “Proposed Amendments to the Family Law Act Dealing with the Death of a Spouse” (1994) 13 E & TJ 365

Graycar, “Matrimonial Property Law Reform and Equality for Women: Discourses in Discord?” (1995) 25 VUWLR 9

Hahlo, “Matrimonial Property Regimes: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow” (1973) 11 Osgoode Hall LJ 455

Hargrave, “Matrimonial Regimes” (1994) 54 Louisiana LR 733

Hart, “The Origin of the Restraint upon Anticipation” (1924) 40 LQR 221

Haskell, “The Power of Disinheritance: A Proposal for Reform” (1964) Geo LJ 499

Haskins, “The Development of Common Law Dower” (1948) 62 Harv LR 42

Hodder (ed), “Death and Matrimonial Property” [1985] 8 TCL 46/385

Hodder (ed), “Matrimonial Property Act 1963 Case Surveys” [1991] 14 TCL 6/7–9; [1991] 14 TCL 7/7–9; [1991] 14 TCL 8/7–8

Holden, “F W Guest Memorial Lecture: With my worldly goods I thee endow – The Division of Family Assets at Law” (1975) 3 Otago LR 281

Holland, “Reform of Matrimonial Property Law in Ontario” (1978) 1 Can J of Fam

Law 1

Inglis, “The Matrimonial Community Chest” (1967) 2 NZULR 326

Inglis, “Recent Developments in Family Law” [1966] NZLJ 38

Inglis, “The Matrimonial Property Bill – Comparable Chaos?” [1976] NZLJ 321

Inglis, “The Family, Family Law, Family Lawyers and the Family Court of the Future” (1995) 8 Otago LR 301

Jackson, “Economic Justice in Divorce” (1995) 2 Cardozo Women’s LJ 23

Jacobson, “Recent Proposals for Reform of Family Property Law in the Common Law Provinces” (1975) 21 McGill LJ 556

Johnston and Johnston, “Marriage Breakdown: ‘Clean Break’ or Compound Fracture?” (1985) 1 FLB 23

Kahn-Freund, “Recent Legislation in Matrimonial Property” (1970) 33 MLR 601

Kelsey and Marks, “The Matrimonial Property Bill 1975” (1976) 8 VUWLR 343

Knetsch, “Some Economic Implications of Matrimonial Property Rules” (1984) 34 University of Toronto LJ 263

Kovacs, “Matrimonial Property Law Reform in Australia: The ‘Home and Chattels’ Expedient. Studies in the Art of Compromise” (1980) 6 University of Tasmania LR 227

Krauskopf and Krauskopf, “Sharing in Practice: The Effects of the Matrimonial Property Act 1976” (1988) 1 FLB 140

Krauskopf and Krauskopf, “Comparable Sharing in Practice: A Pilot Study of Results under the Matrimonial Property Act of 1976” (1988) 18 VUWLR 21

Langbein and Waggoner, “Redesigning the Spouse’s Forced Share” (1987) 22 Real Property Probate and Trust Journal 303

Lawson, “Domestic Contribution and the Allocation of Property on Marital Breakdown: A Comparative Study of New Zealand and Australia” (1994) 13 University of Tasmania LR 294

“Legislation Note: Family Law” (1964) 1 NZULR 328

McCall, “Dissolving the Economic Partnership of Marriage” (1979–1982) 14 University Western Aust LR 365

McCauliff, “The Medieval English Marriage Portion from Cases of Mort D’Ancestor and Formedon” (1993) 38 Villanova LR 933

Mansell, “Whither Matrimonial Property?” (1971) 4 NZULR 271

Miller, “The Reform of the Law Relating to Financial Provision and Matrimonial Property” (1980) 15 Cambrian LR 73

Miller, “Provision for a Surviving Spouse” (1986) 102 LQR 445

Minow, “Learning to Live with the Dilemma of Difference” (1985) 48 Law and Contemporary Problems 157

Nixon, “The Matrimonial Property Bill – Misguided Chivalry?” [1976] NZLJ 438

Payne, “Family Property Reform as Perceived by the Law Reform Commission of Canada” (1976) 24 Chitty’s LJ 289

Pedersen, “Matrimonial Property Law in Denmark” (1965) 28 MLR 137

Pepperell (ed), “Matrimonial Property and Creditors” [1995] 19 TCL 9/1

Picou, “Administration of Marital Community upon Death: Movement toward Reform” (1995) 22 Southern University

LR 309

Prager, “Sharing Principles and the Future of Marital Property Law” (1977–1978) 25 UCLA LR 6

Priestley, “Matrimonial Property Systems” [1972] NZLJ 244

Quijano, “Matrimonial Property Law Reform in Canada” (1975) 13 Osgoode Hall LJ 381

Robertson, “Matrimonial Property and Haldane’s Case” [1977] NZLJ 19

Rose, “Women and Property: Gaining and Losing Ground” (1992) 78 VLR 421

Sackville, “The Emerging Australian Law of Matrimonial Property” (1970) 7 Melbourne University LR 353

Schnurr, “Estate Matters and the Family Law Act – A Seven-year Retrospective” (1993) 13 E & TJ 28

Schroeder, “Matrimonial Property Law Reform: Evaluating the Alternatives” (1977) 11 UBC LR 24

Seplowitz, “Transfers Prior to Marriage and the Uniform Probate Code’s Redesigned Elective Share – Why the Partnership is not yet Complete” (1991) 25 Ind LR 1

Sherrin, “Disinheritance of a Spouse: A Comparative Study of the Law in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland” (1980) 31 Northern Ireland LQ 21

Sim, “Husband and Wife: The New Look as to Ownership of Property” [1968] NZLJ 182 (Part 1); 213 (Part 2); 227 (Part 3); 248 (Part 4); 274 (Part 5)

Sim, “New Matrimonial and Family Legislation (1968)” [1969] NZLJ 41

Temkin, “Property Relations During Marriage in England and Ontario” (1981) 30 I&CLQ 190

Turano, “UPC Section 2–201: Equal Treatment of Spouses” (1992) 55 Albany

LR 983

Ullrich, “The Reform of Matrimonial Property Law in England during the Nineteenth Century” (1977) 9 VUWLR 13

Waggoner, “Marital Property Rights in Transition” (1994) 59 Missouri LR 21

Waggoner, “The Multiple-Marriage Society and Spousal Rights under the Revised Uniform Probate Code” (1991) 76 Iowa

LR 223

Wagner, “California’s New Community Property Law – Its Effect on Interspousal Mismanagement Litigation” (1974) 5 Pacific LJ 723

Whitebread, “The Uniform Probate Code’s Nod to the Partnership Theory of Marriage: The 1990 Elective Share Revisions” (1992) 11 Probate LJ 125

Wright, “A Fair Share in the Assets – The Position of the Surviving Spouse” (1990) 2 Aust J Fam Law 93

Younger, “Marital Regimes” (1981) 67 Cornell LR 1

Zelder, “The Economic Analysis of the Effect of No-Fault Divorce Law on the Divorce Rate” (1993) 16 Harvard J Law and Public Policy 241


Atkin, “Personal Obligations of Support: Options and Discussion” (Department of Justice, April 1992)

Gibson, “Matrimonial Property – Is there Equality under the Matrimonial Property Act?” (Papers of the Family Court Conference, The Family Court Ten Years On, Auckland, 1991), 81

Lee, “Family Court Custody and Access Research Report 2: A Survey of Parents who have Obtained a Dissolution” (Policy and Research Division, Department of Justice, 1990)

Mahoney, “Gender Bias in Family Law – Deconstructing Husband Privilege” (NZLS Family Law Conference Papers, 1995,

vol 1), 1

Manitoba Association of Women and the Law Incorporated, “Fairness in Family Law” (1994)

Sim, “Matrimonial Property in New Zealand” in Inglis and Mercer (eds), Family Law Centenary Essays (Sweet and Maxwell, Wellington, 1967), 109

Smart, “Marriage, Divorce, and Women’s Economic Dependency: A Discussion of the Politics of Private Maintenance” in Freeman (ed), State, Law and Family (Tavistock, London, 1984), 9

Ullrich, “Matrimonial Property – Is there Equality under the Matrimonial Property Act?” (Papers of the Family Court Conference, The Family Court Ten Years On, Auckland, 1991), 97

Ullrich, “Reform of Matrimonial Property Law” (Department of Justice, April 1992)

Weitzman and Dixon, “The Transformation of Marriage through No-Fault Divorce: The Case of the United States” in Eekelaar and Katz (eds), Marriage and Cohabitation in Contemporary Societies (Butterworths, Toronto, 1980), 143



Alberta Institute of Law Research and Reform, Towards Reform of the Law Relating to Cohabitation Outside Marriage (1987) Issues Paper No 2

Alberta Institute of Law Research and Reform, Towards Reform of the Law Relating to Cohabitation Outside Marriage (1989) Report No 53

Australian Capital Territory Attorney-General’s Department, A Proposal for Domestic Relationship Legislation in the ACT (Australian Capital Territory, Canberra, 1993) Discussion Paper

Law Commission (England and Wales), Family Law: Distribution on Intestacy (1989) Report No 187

Report of the Legal Services Board/Te Poari Ratonga Ture for the Year Ended 30 June 1994 (1994) AJHR E.7

New South Wales Law Reform Commission, Report on De Facto Relationships (1983) Report No 36

Northern Territory Law Reform Committee, Report on De Facto Relationships (1988) Report No 13

Ontario Law Reform Commission, Report on the Rights and Responsibilities of Cohabitants under the Family Law Act (1993)

Queensland Law Reform Commission, Shared Property (1991) Discussion Paper 36

Queensland Law Reform Commission, De Facto Relationships (1992) Working Paper No 40

Queensland Law Reform Commission, Intestacy Rules (1993) Report No 42

Queensland Law Reform Commission, De Facto Relationships (1993) Report No 44

Scottish Law Commission, The Effects of Cohabitation in Private Law (1990) Discussion Paper No 86

Scottish Law Commission, Report on Family Law (1992) Report No 135

Tasmanian Law Reform Commission, Report on Obligations Arising from De Facto Relationships (1977) Report No 12

Western Australia Parliamentary Select Committee, Report on De Facto Relationships (1990)


Atkin, Living Together Without Marriage (Butterworths, Wellington, 1991)

Eekelaar and Katz, Marriage and Cohabitation in Contemporary Societies (Butterworths, Toronto, 1980)

Foreman and O’Ryan, Guide to the De Facto Relationships Act (NSW) (Butterworths, Sydney, 1985)

Freeman and Lyon, Cohabitation Without Marriage (Gower, Aldershot, 1984)


Alston, “De Facto Spouses’ Property Dispute: Pasi v Kamana” [1987] NZLJ 75

Astor and Nothdurft, “Report of the New South Wales Law Reform Commission on De Facto Relationships” (1985) 48 MLR 61

Atherton, “De Facto Spouses and Intestacy” (1985) 23 Law Soc J 749

Atkin, “De Facto Relationships and the Law” (1987) 1 FLB 30

Atkin, “De Factos Engaging Our Attention” [1988] NZLJ 12

Bailey-Harris, “Property Disputes Between De Facto Couples: Is Statute the Best Solution?” (1991) 5 Aust J Fam L 221

Bailey-Harris, “Financial Rights in Relationships Outside Marriage: A Decade of Reforms in Australia” (1995) 9 Int J Law and Family 233

Bala, “The Evolving Canadian Definition of the Family: Towards a Pluralistic and Functional Approach” (1994) 8 Int J Law and Family 293

Bradley, “The Development of a Legal Status for Unmarried Cohabitation in Sweden” (1989) 18 Anglo-American LR 322

Bradley, “Marriage, Family, Property and Inheritance in Swedish Law” (1990) 39 I&CLQ 370

Bradley, “Radical Principles and the Legal Institution of Marriage: Domestic Relations Law and Social Democracy in Sweden” (1990) 4 Int J Law and Family 154

Bradley, “Unmarried Cohabitation in Sweden: A Renewed Social Institution” (1990) 11 J Legal Hist 300

Browne, “Family Law – De Facto Relationships – Alteration of Property Interests – What is ‘Just and Equitable’?” (1993) 67 ALJ 232

Cameli, “Extending Family Benefits to Gay Men and Lesbian Women” (1992) 68 Chicago-Kent Law Review 447

Charlesworth, “Domestic Contributions to Matrimonial Property” (1989) 3 Aust J Fam L 147

Chisholm and others, “De Facto Property Decisions in New South Wales: Emerging Patterns and Policies” (1991) 5 Aust J Fam L 241

Cho, “The De Facto Relationships Act 1984 (NSW): Blurring the Distinction Between De Jure Marriages and De Facto Relationships” (1991) 5 Aust J Fam L 19

Clarke, “The Family Home: Intention and Agreement” [1992] Fam Law 72

Cooke, “Reliance and Estoppel: Wayling v Jones (1993) 69 P & CR 170 (CA)” (1995) 111 LQR 389

Cooke, “The Place of Equity and Equitable Doctrines in the Contemporary Common Law World – A New Zealand Perspective” in Waters (ed), Equity, Fiduciaries and Trusts 1993 (Carswell, Toronto, 1993), 35

Cull, “De Facto Couples and Family Law – What Protection?” (New Zealand Suffrage Centennial Women’s Law Conference Papers, Wellington, 1993), 255

Davis, “Wayling v Jones: Estoppel – Reliance and Remedy” [1995] The Conveyancer 409

Dervan, “Quasi-Matrimonial Property Division and Judicial Alchemy” (1984) 5 Auckland University LR 1

Dixon, “Acquiring an Interest in Another’s Property: Lloyd’s Bank plc v Rosset [1990] 2 WLR 867 (HL)” [1990] CLJ 38

Eekelaar, “A Woman’s Place – A Conflict between Law and Social Values” [1987] The Conveyancer 93

Eskridge, “A History of Same-Sex Marriage” (1993) 79 Virginia LR 1419

Evans, “De Facto Property Disputes: The Drama Continues” (1987) 1 Aust J Fam

L 234

Farquhar, “Note – Peter v Beblow” [1993] 72 Can Bar Rev 538

Fawcett, “Taking the Middle Path: Recent Swedish Legislation Grants Minimal Property Rights to Unmarried Cohabitants” (1990) 24 Family LQ 179

Gardner, “Rethinking Family Property” (1993) 109 LQR 263

Harvey, “The Property Rights of De Facto Partners – Some Proposals for Legislative Reform” [1989] NZLJ 167

Hayes, “Constructive Trusts, Proprietary Estoppel and Wavering Equity” (1993) 137 SJ 606

Hayton, “Constructive Trusts of Homes – A Bold Approach” (1993) 109 LQR 485

Henson, “A Comparative Analysis of Same-sex Partnership Protections: Recommendations for American Reform” (1993) 7 Int J Law and Family 282

Howman, “Critique of Justice Hardie Boys’ Paper” (1995) 25 VUWLR 43

Kovacs, “De Facto Property Rights in Victoria” (1990) 64 Law Inst J 159

Lawson-Cruttenden and Odutola, “Constructive Trusts – A Practical Guide” [1995] Fam Law 560

McCamus and Taman, “Rathwell v Rathwell: Matrimonial Property, Resulting and Constructive Trusts” (1978) 16 Osgoode Hall LJ 741

McClean, “Matrimonial Property – Canadian Common Law Style” (1981) 31 University of Toronto LJ 363

McMorland, “Trusts and the Property Problem of De Facto Couples” (1985) 11 NZULR 275

Maxton, “De Facto Spouses and the Presumption of Advancement” (1986) 12 NZULR 79

Maxton, “Property Rights and De Facto Relationships” (1987) 4 BCB 94; (1987) 4 BCB 181

Melton, “Legal Rights of Unmarried Heterosexual and Homosexual Couples and Evolving Definitions of ‘Family’” (1990) 29 J Fam L 497

Munro, “The New Law of Estoppel” (1993) 23 VUWLR 271

Narev, “Unjust Enrichment and De Facto Relationships” (1991) 6 Auckland University LR 504

Neave, “The Constructive Trust as a Remedial Device” (1978) 11 Melbourne University LR 343

Neave, “The New Unconscionability Principle – Property Disputes Between De Facto Partners” (1991) 5 Aust J Fam L 185

Neave, “Living Together – The Legal Effects of the Sexual Division of Labour in Four Common Law Countries” (1991) 17 Monash University LR 14

Neave, “From Difference to Sameness – Law and Women’s Work” (1992) 18 Melbourne University LR 768

Nielson, “Family Rights and the ‘Registered Partnership’ in Denmark” (1990) 4 Int J Law and Family 297

Norrie, “Reproductive Technology, Transsexualism and Homosexuality: New Problems for International Private Law” (1994) 43 I&CLQ 757

Norrie, “Proprietary Rights of Cohabitants” (1995) Jur Rev 209

Parker, “De Facto Property Rights: Time For Change?” (1995) 1 BFLJ 179

Parker, “De Facto Property: A Matter of Human Rights” (1995) 1 BFLJ 280

Parkinson, “Intention, Contribution and Reliance in De Facto Cases” (1991) 5 Aust J Fam L 268

Peart, “A Comparative View of Property Rights in De Facto Relationships: Are We All Driving in the Same Direction?” (1988) 7 Otago LR 100

Pederson, “Denmark: Homosexual Marriages and New Rules Regarding Separation and Divorce” (1991) 30 J Fam L 289

Pepperell (ed), “De Facto Property Rights Revisited” [1994] 17 TCL 47/1

Rickett, “Causes of Action and Remedies – Getting it Clear” [1994] NZLJ 207

Riley, “The Property Rights of Home-Makers under General Law: Bryson v Bryant” (1994) 16 Sydney LR 412

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Cull, “De Facto Couples and Family Law – What Protection?” (New Zealand Suffrage Centennial Women’s Law Conference Papers, 1993), 259

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