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Asprey, Plain Language for Lawyers (2nd ed, Federation Press, Sydney, 1996)

Australian Government Publishing Service, Style Manual for Authors, Editors and Printers (5th ed, AGPS Press, Canberra, 1994)

Bowers, Linguistic Aspects of Legislative Expression (University of British Columbia Press, Vancouver, 1989)

Charrow and Erhardt, Clear & Effective Legal Writing (Little, Brown & Co, Boston and Toronto, 1986)

Dale, "Principles, Purposes and Rules" (1988) Statute Law Review 15

Dick, Legal Drafting (2nd ed, Carswell, Toronto, 1985)

Dickerson, The Fundamentals of Legal Drafting (2nd ed, Little, Brown & Co, Boston and Toronto, 1986)

Driedger, The Composition of Legislation (2nd ed, Department of Justice, Ottawa, 1976)

Fieldhouse, Everyman's Good English Guide (Dent, London, 1982)

Garner, A Dictionary of Modern Legal Usage (Oxford University Press, New York, 1987)

Garner, "An Approach to Legal Style" (1991) 2 Scribes Journal of Legal Writing 1

Garner, The Elements of Legal Style (Oxford University Press, New York, 1991)

Gordon, The Well-tempered Sentence (Ticknor & Fields, New Haven and New York, 1983)

Gowers, The Complete Plain Words (3rd ed, HMSO, London, 1986)

Greenbaum and Whitcut, Longman Guide to English Usage (Longman, London, 1988)

Hart's Rules for Compositors and Readers at the University Press, Oxford (39th ed, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1989)

House of Representatives Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, Clearer Commonwealth Law: Report of the Inquiry into Legislative Drafting by the Commonwealth (AGPS Press, Canberra, 1993)

Law Commission (NZ), A New Interpretation Act: To Avoid "Prolixity and Tautology" (NZLC R17, Wellington, 1990)

Law Commission (NZ), The Format of Legislation (NZLC R27, Wellington, 1993)

Law Reform Commission of Victoria, Plain English and the Law: Drafting Manual (Appendix 1, Melbourne, 1992)

Legislation Advisory Committee, Legislative Change. Guidelines on Process and Content, Report No 6 (revised ed, Wellington, 1991)

Melville, The Draftsman's Handbook (2nd ed, Longman, London, 1991)

Wallace and Hughes, Style Book. A Guide for New Zealand Writers and Editors (5th ed, GP Publications, Wellington, 1995)

Office of Parliamentary Counsel (Canberra), Plain English Manual (1994)

Piesse, The Elements of Drafting (8th ed, The Law Book Company, Sydney, 1991)

Renton, The Preparation of Legislation: Report of a Committee Appointed by Lord President of the Council (HMSO, London, 1975)

Notes on Government Organisation No 3: The Preparation of Bills (Treasury, London, March 1948)

Thornton, Legislative Drafting (3rd ed, Butterworths, London, 1987)

Uniform Law Conference of Canada, Drafting Conventions (Proceedings of the 71st Annual Meeting, Yellowknife, NWT, August, 1989), 54_61

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