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Lyttelton Cemetery Reserves Ordinance 1865

3. The Lyttelton Cemetery Reserve Ordinance 1865.

Analysis. Preamble.

1. Land described in Schedule B declared a Highway.

2. Title.

Whereas by Crown Grant bearing date the Twentieth day of September in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and fifty-five the parcel of land described in the schedule A to this Ordinance and all the rights and appurtenances to the same belonging was granted unto James Edward FitzGerald Esquire the Superintendent of the Province of Canterbury and his successors in office upon the several trusts for he public service of the said Province following that is to say upon trust for a Cemetery or Burial Ground for members of the Church of Englandd of the Town and Disttrict of Lyttelton and whereas by the “Public Reserves Act 1854” under and by virtue of which the aforesaid Grant was made it is enacted that the specific purposes for which any lands granted under the said Act within any Province should be held might be changed and the same lands might be appropriated to other and different

purposes of public utility for the public service of such Province and whereas it is desirable to change the purpose forwhich a portion of the aforesaid land is held as hereinafter mentioned.

Be it therefore enacted by the Superintendent of the said Province, with the advice and consent of the Provincial Council thereof, as follows:

1. Land described in Schedule B declared a Highway.

The land described in Schedule B hereto shall hereafter be held by the Superintendent of the said Province and his successors for the purposes of a public highway and it shall be lawful for the Superintendent for the time being of the said Province by deed under his hand and seal with the public seal of the said Province to dedicate the said land to the public for the purposes of a public highway.

2. Title.

This Ordinance shall be entituled and may be cited as "The Lyttelton Cemetery

Reserve Ordinance, 1865.

Schedule A.

All that piece or parcel of land consisting of two acres or thereabouts satute measure be the same more or less situate in Dampier’s Bay in and fronting to the exent of five chains upon Brittan Terrace in the Town of Lyttelton within the said Province between the town sections numbered 216 and 222 on the Map or Plan of the Chief Surveyor of the said Province of Canterbury setting out and describing the said Town of Lyttelton and extending back in a westerly direction

in a rectangular block four chain. Schedule B.

All that parcel of land within the Cemetery Reserve Lyttelton bounded as follows:—Commencing at the easternmost corner of the Cemetery Reserve No.

67 in the red following along Britan Terrace a distance of 500 links and extending back at right angles north-westerly having a depth of 170 links on the south-westt and 50 links on the north-east boundaries respectively being bounded on the north-west by a straight line.

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