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Palmer, Dr Kenneth --- "Foreword" [2013] NZJlEnvLaw 1; (2013) 17 NZJEL v

Last Updated: 19 January 2023


A keynote address to the 2013 IUCN Academy of Environmental Law Annual Colloquium was delivered by Professor Klaus Bosselmann, director of the New Zealand Centre for Environmental Law. The paper was titled “The Rule of Law in the Anthropocene” and explored the deeper meaning of the rule of law — in a comparative and global perspective — to relate it to contemporary environmental law research. It defined the principle of sustainability as an environmental grundnorm and showed how it is beginning to shape legal developments in various countries and the jurisprudence of international law.

With the challenge of the anthropocene, this issue of the NZJEL includes a range of papers which may assist the global objectives. Bettina Meier­ Wehren considers the global programme of action for protection of the marine environment. Fionna Cumming assesses the role of NGOs in multilateral environmental agreement compliance. Nikhil Ullal looks to the challenges of a post­Kyoto regime. Anemoon Soete compares strategies in the EU and New Zealand under the Convention on Biodiversity. A comprehensive overview of geothermal and wind energy law is the subject of the article by Simon Schofield. Angela Dimery assesses heritage regulation and property rights primarily in New Zealand. In a similar manner, Nicola Brazendale analyses heritage building preservation in the wake of the Canterbury earthquakes. In assessing the value of natural assets within the New Zealand RMA system, Mark Christensen considers approaches to valuation. Finally, Steven Li provides insights into Antarctic tourism regulation and the need for a new regime.

The academic contributions of the respective authors are gratefully acknowledged. In relation to production, the editor wishes to acknowledge the substantial subediting skills of Mike Wagg, and those of Amy Tansell of Words Alive for the final layout of the journal.

The collegial support of the New Zealand Centre for Environmental Law, and support of the academic and professional staff of the Law School of the University of Auckland, is also acknowledged.

Dr Kenneth Palmer General Editor Faculty of Law

The University of Auckland December 2013

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