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Palmer, Dr Kenneth --- "Foreword" [2007] NZJlEnvLaw 1; (2007) 11 NZJEL v

Last Updated: 13 February 2023


During 2007, environmentalism, as a principle and rationale for sustainable development, has continued to expand in application at both the international and domestic levels. The established wisdom is clearly that global warming is a reality, with glaciers and icecaps shrinking, and scientific analysis foreshadows incremental rises in sea levels. Climate change may also be evidenced by more extreme weather events. The basic objectives of human survival are now being measured against sustainable management of the environment. International meetings (in particular in Bali, December 2007) have a strong focus on con- structive dialogue and methodologies to achieve sustainable outcomes.

The progression of academic research and discourse on the multitude of relevant environmental issues is reflected in the content of this volume of the Journal. The Journal commences, in a variation from mainstream issues, with an article by Professors Paul Martin and Michael Jeffery advocating the use of legally enforceable knowledge trusts to protect indigenous secrets. The second article, by Friederike Lehmann, considers the problematic status of genetic resources in the deep seabed. On a more positive note, Anne Plein records the success of the Montreal Protocol to restrict production and use of materials harmful to the ozone layer. Regarding climate change, Kerry Puddle addresses the possibility of individual States applying measures to promote the use of biofuels.

In the New Zealand context, Gregory Milner-White assesses the legal im- plications of mitigating climate change by promoting forestry planting. An outsider’s view of the Resource Management Act is provided by Inga Carlman. An analysis of the nature and protection of habitat, primarily of avian fauna, is presented by Pip Wallace. Professors Ali Memon and Peter Skelton consider the practices for allocation of groundwater resources. Jim Sinner and Jörn Scherzer put forward a case for charging resource rents for water-based resources. Finally, Jordan Boyd critiques the function of the Minister of Conservation to make decisions on restricted coastal activities.

The Editor wishes to acknowledge the significant contributions to knowl- edge by the respective authors. On the production side, appreciation is accorded to Mike Wagg for detailed sub-editing, and Amy Tansell for processing the Journal content. The collegial support of the board of the New Zealand Centre for Environmental Law, and support of the academic and general staff of the Law School of the University of Auckland is also acknowledged.

Dr Kenneth Palmer


Faculty of Law University of Auckland December 2007

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